The owl eat insects, worms, mice, rats, small birds, frogs and lizards.
Live in an open field, arches and villages near old buildings in ruins, does not like forests or mountains.
Its flight is fast and see a dam is released directly on it; once captured takes it to a hole to eat it.
Often he sees day looking everywhere, on top of an old building or a rock.
When frightened moves the head and body in a special way.
Nests in holes in trees, rocks or old houses.
You can live about 10 years.
Animal blog
dissabte, 14 de març del 2015
dimarts, 3 de març del 2015
For their own defense, often using kicks and even their expulsion through saliva from his mouth.
You can swallow 180 liters of water and once again make progress without water for more than 10 days.
Camels can withstand change in temperature and hydration of the body that would kill most other animals. The temperature varias between 34ºC at night to 41ºC during the day and only begin to sweat over this threshold In the Muslim world are highly valued, which is reflected in the legends. For example, while men know 99 names of Allah, only the camel know the 100th, so often so insolent Allah, only the camel knows the 100th, si often so insolent smiles.
You can swallow 180 liters of water and once again make progress without water for more than 10 days.
Camels can withstand change in temperature and hydration of the body that would kill most other animals. The temperature varias between 34ºC at night to 41ºC during the day and only begin to sweat over this threshold In the Muslim world are highly valued, which is reflected in the legends. For example, while men know 99 names of Allah, only the camel know the 100th, so often so insolent Allah, only the camel knows the 100th, si often so insolent smiles.
Make circles around its prey and throw on suddenly, usually from bottom to top.
Breathe through 5 to 7 pairs of gills located on the sides of the head.
can reach up to 12 meters long and 14 meters long and weigh 800 kg
A males can measure 4.8 to 5.5 m tall and weigh up to 900 kg.
The tongue is black and is so long (45 cm) which allows you to use it to clean the ears.
Do not sleep more than 5 to 7 minutes stretched a total daily reach 2h sleep.
They can run at 60 km per hour and they can eat 65 kg of vegetables.
Spend the day in the fresh water and mud, j is very vulnerable to sunburn. You can close your nostrils and remain submerged for 10 minutes, floating and is very agile in the water. Fed land, eating up to 50 kg per day, usually at night.
It is one of the most dangerous animals to man, being the deadliest Africa. Their tusks measured 50 cm and runs up to 45 km / h.
The domestic goat was domesticated about 10,000 years ago.
Today is obtained from the domestic goat milk, meat and hair.
It is very agile and often climbs difficult places, it has two horns curved backwards; The male is larger and screwed spiral and has a small beard and under the neck are a two pendants.
The tail is short and legs are strong and just two
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