divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014


The Rabbit, of colors of your hair that the help do not be the hunters. Hind legs are very long and strong, so jump and run very fast. The front of are shorter. Eat plants and vegetables (carrot, cauliflower, peas...). Living in the woods rabbit, meadows and orchards and domestic rabbits live rabbit farm home or in cages. Sight and hearing are fine, ears and teeth llargas finally whiskers. Rabbits at birth, born blind.

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2014


The zebras are famous African animals. They live in places where there is herbs or forests or mountains,compared with horses and ''ases'', zebras have never been domesticated. More that day eating leaves. Zebras are very socialbles. Zebras communicate with one other emit sounds with the ''mules''. When a zebra is friendly, their ears are up. When you have fear, moving forward. When angry, the ears are  back. When zebras seek predator watching intently. If you are tense, they emit gasps. If a zebra detects or feel the presence of a predator, it will bark. Zebras can have children to 3 years and can give birth every 12 months.

dissabte, 1 de novembre del 2014


The elephant largest  animal. It is as tall as a house hangs like six cars.
Can live up to 60-70 years. Is very strong and intelligent. Weighs about 4000 kg. Females are smaller than males.
At a layer of very thick skin, rough gray hairs with some understatement. Is very sensitive to insect bites. Elephants not sweat, do not have sweat glands, so they must continually refresh their skin when not to produce sweat.
The ears are very big. To listen and also serves to cool.
A small eyes. We therefore hard to see the things that you very far.
The ''trompa'' can measure up to 2 meters.


Is a reptile that lives in tropical areas of Africa, Asia, America and Australia. They are excellent swimmers. They feed on a wide variety of animals.
Young crocodiles feed on crabs, frogs and insects. The biggest fish they hunt, feed live or dead animals. They are well adapted to aquatic life and only occasionally emerge.
The nostrils of a crocodile and his eyes are on the top of his head, which allows you to see and breathe while remaining in the water.


The tiger is the animal that lives alone. It carnivore, can measure 2 meters and ''Although'' (pesar) to 200kg, live 25 years. The skin, orange and yellow, *whitish (banquinos) belly with darker stripes, usually black. The tiger is the most powerful, is nocturnal and lives in forests, in the vicinity of watercourses.
This beautiful animal is a perfect *kill(matar). Is perfectly suited for an hunting(debil).Is solitary animals, especially when hunting. Hunting prey rather less rapid, especially the weakest. Having from 2 to 6 *puppies(cadells). Born covered with hair and suck during the day they are born. Weigh 800g to 1610g of.