dissabte, 14 de març del 2015

The Owl

The owl eat insects, worms, mice, rats, small birds, frogs and lizards.
Live in an open field, arches and villages near old buildings in ruins, does not like forests or mountains.

Its flight is fast and see a dam is released directly on it; once captured takes it to a hole to eat it.
Often he sees day looking everywhere, on top of an old building or a rock.
When frightened moves the head and body in a special way.
Nests in holes in trees, rocks or old houses.
You can live about 10 years.

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015


For their own defense, often using kicks and even their expulsion through saliva from his mouth. 
You can swallow 180 liters of water and once again make progress without water for more than 10 days.
Camels can withstand change in temperature  and hydration of the body that would kill most other animals. The temperature varias between 34ºC at night to 41ºC during the day and only begin to sweat over this threshold In the Muslim world are highly valued, which is reflected in the legends. For example, while men know 99 names of Allah, only the camel know the 100th, so often so insolent Allah, only  the camel knows the 100th, si often so insolent smiles. 


Life expectancy is around 30 years of sharks.Much of sharks are gray and have leathery skin, covered with small scales placoides as sharp and pointed, unlike those that characterize fish skeleton. The diet of sharks is varied and generally carnivorous. They eat fish, turtles and crustaceans.
Make circles around its prey and throw on suddenly, usually from bottom to top.
Breathe through 5 to 7 pairs of gills located on the sides of the head.
can reach up to 12 meters long and 14 meters long and weigh 800 kg


 Giraffes are famous for their long neck, measuring approximately 2 meters in length, this is hereditary and neck of a giraffe passes to the other.
A males can measure 4.8 to 5.5 m tall and weigh up to 900 kg.
The tongue is black and is so long (45 cm) which allows you to use it to clean the ears.
Do not sleep more than 5 to 7 minutes stretched a total daily reach 2h sleep.
They can run at 60 km per hour and they can eat 65 kg of vegetables.


Their life expectancy is between 40 and 50 years. Hippos average measured 3.5 meters long and 1.5 meters to stick to a weight of 1500 kg to 3200 kg.

Spend the day in the fresh water and mud, j is very vulnerable to sunburn. You can close your nostrils and remain submerged for 10 minutes, floating and is very agile in the water. Fed land, eating up to 50 kg per day, usually at night.

It is one of the most dangerous animals to man, being the deadliest Africa. Their tusks measured 50 cm and runs up to 45 km / h.


The giant anteater eats ants and termites that capture thanks to his long tongue and prickly and sticky saliva. It is a solitary animal that only meets partner during the mating season. Today the number is rapidly decreasing due to excessive hunting and habitat destruction. Can weigh up to 30 to 35 kg. It has no teeth and has a very long and narrow tongue of up to 1 m long. This language has a tiny spines directed backwards and is impregnated with a viscous ''saliva'' that causes the ants are stuck inside when the animal enters the nest, with a frequency of up to 150 strokes per minute.


The goats are kept in herds that graze are taken to a pastor. Eat grass, leaves and twigs of trees and shrubs. It is a ruminant animal. The goat can perished 1 or 2 pups(cries).
The domestic goat was domesticated about 10,000 years ago.
Today is obtained from the domestic goat milk, meat and hair.
It is very agile and often climbs difficult places, it has two horns curved backwards; The male is larger and screwed spiral and  has a small beard and under the neck are a two pendants.
The tail is short and legs are strong and just two


The cow live on farms or hers are taken to graze for ''pastor''. Eat grass and fodder. A cow can eat about 70 kg each day. It is a ruminant animal.
The body is strong and big, The skin is covered with brown hair, black or white according to the races. It has two large head with horns and a long tail.The cow produces 30,000 liters annually and can weigh up to 1000 kg.
Countries where there are more cows in India, Argentina, China and the United States.


The bat eat mosquitoes, beetles and butterflies, He lives in the forests inhabited areeas. Hidden between the cracks of rocks or walls, or under the roof tiles. Our of hiding at night looking for food near its focus light the streets. Fly and emit high-pitched sounds.
Durin cold winters.
Bats are able to fly perfectly without light; all emit ultrasonic bounce and collide with objects being captured by the ears of the animal; thus know the position and distance of objects, and even what type of objects they are.


The fox eat rabbits, hares, mice, rats, brids, fish, insects and moles, also eat eggs, fruit and food remains that people throw into landfills(abocadors). Live in wooded areas and in areas close to towns, cities, campistes and landfills.
The fox has a good smell, a good ear and a pretty good view. Always tend to move in the same are of the territory, which marks with his urine. Live 7 a 8 years, athough in protected areas can live about 12 years. The male and female shriek overboard. Moves to the evening and night. Day remains hidden among the bushes or burrows.


Eat cereals, fruits, vegetables and leftover food. Usually eat a pig farm feed already contains everything you need. The pigs are reared in specialized farms. Tend to wallow in the mud with the intention to remove parasites from the skin. Currently exploit all parts of the pig. The meat is eaten fresh or in the form of sausages; is made of butter fat; skin is used to make shoes, bags and gloves it makes te hair brushes. One of the mos poplar product is obtained ham.


It is a domestic animal, the color depends on the trenches, and live with humans, in addition to her company's. Before the dog was are carnivore, but over the years it was going adherents to different types of food now and omnivores. The are over 300 breeeds of dogs are divided into dogs, guard, hunting and companion.
Some breeds are well know: fox-terrier, the Pekingese, the bulldog, the Mastiff, Saint Bernard on the Dalmation, the Eskimo dog, greyhound and sheepdog.


The squirrel eats seeds of trees, mushrooms and berries. Taken with the front legs, the peel and eats them. You can also eat eggs and small birds.Is red in summer and winter gray. It has 4 fingers on the front legs are shorter and 5 toes on the rear. It has a long bushy tail that serves to maintain balance. Has a habit of burying fruits and seeds in the fall to store them for the winter.
He lives between 5 and 10 years.


Mammal making it 23-30 cm long brown.
It has small ears and short legs with large nails.
It is covered in spikes that make heavy and thick   2-3 cm long.
The bottom is covered with dark hair. It eats insects, frogs, mice, birds and fruits.He lives in the ''woods'' (boscos). Can live about 10 years. The young are born hairless. Eat milk for about 5 weeks until the adult pass.


Makes about 60 cm long and about 95 cm with open wings.

The male is gray with dark green head, yellow beak, brown chest, belly and tail greyish white. It has a bluish purple stripe with white margins on each wing.
During the summer plumage changes color and becomes brownish-green throat.
The female is brownish spots; has orange beak brown margins.
 The ducks are bred for their meat, eggs and feathers. The wild ducks are also subject to sport hunting. Inhabit the wetlands of the Catalan Countries. Adult males spend periods without flying to protect their habitat if they have sufficient food reserves. Shed feathers of the wings of all time, which forces them to stay hidden for a time, as their ability to escape is diminished at this time.